Credit Solution: Empowering Intelligent Credit Risk Management

Why Choose Mobius for Credit Risk Management?

Holistic Risk Assessment:
  • Integrate multiple data sources for a 360-degree view of counterparty risk

  • Analyze both quantitative metrics and qualitative factors

Real-Time Monitoring:
  • Continuous tracking of credit exposures and limit utilizations

  • Instant alerts for breaches or significant changes in credit profiles

Advanced Analytics:
  • Proprietary credit scoring models tailored to your industry

  • Scenario analysis and stress testing capabilities

Regulatory Compliance:
  • Adherence to Basel III, IFRS 9, and other relevant standards

  • Comprehensive reporting for regulatory submissions

Seamless Integration:
  • Connect with existing trading, risk, and accounting systems

  • APIs for easy data exchange and workflow automation

Key Features of Our Credit Solution

1. Counterparty Credit Assessment
  • Automated financial statement analysis

  • Integration with external rating agencies and market data providers

  • Custom credit scoring models for unrated entities

2. Exposure Calculation and Aggregation
  • Multi-asset class exposure calculation (current and potential future exposure)

  • Netting and collateral management integration

  • Hierarchical aggregation across legal entities and corporate groups

3. Limit Management
  • Flexible limit structure (notional, PFE, settlement, etc.)

  • Automated approval workflows for limit requests

  • Real-time limit consumption monitoring

4. Credit Risk Analytics
  • Expected credit loss (ECL) calculations

  • Credit value adjustment (CVA) for derivative portfolios

  • What-if analysis for new trades and market scenarios

5. Early Warning System
  • Automated flagging of deteriorating credit indicators

  • Customizable alert thresholds and notification channels

6. Reporting and Visualization
  • Interactive dashboards for credit risk overview

  • Detailed counterparty credit reports

  • Regulatory and management reporting templates

The Mobius Credit Solution Advantage


Our team brings decades of experience in credit risk management across various industries


Tailored solution to match your specific credit risk policies and workflows


Cloud-based infrastructure to handle growing data volumes and user bases

Continuous Innovation:

Regular updates to address evolving credit risk methodologies and regulations

Measurable Impact

Our clients have experienced:

30 %

Reduction in credit losses through early identification of deteriorating credits

40 %

Improvement in operational efficiency for credit reviews and limit management

99.9 %

Accuracy in credit exposure calculations, validated against industry benchmarks

50 %

Faster regulatory reporting cycle for credit risk disclosures

Ready to Elevate Your Credit Risk Management?

Don't let credit risks undermine your business performance. Partner with Mobius Risk Group to implement a state-of-the-art credit solution that provides clarity, control, and confidence in your credit risk management processes.

Connect with our credit risk experts today and discover how we can transform your approach to credit risk management for enhanced financial stability and growth.


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